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Encino Little League

Encino Little League

Volunteer Information


ELL is no different than any other non-profit youth sports organization in its need to for a solid core of volunteers, along with a need for a continuous flow of new volunteers as children matriculate from the league and are replaced by new players and families.

A child who begins his or her Little League career at 4 years old and continues through at least his or her 12 year old season translates to nine seasons of baseball at Encino Little League. Families with more than one child playing a full youth baseball career will spend weekends at ELL for 15 years or more.

It is vital for the health of the league that volunteers emerge from among parents of the younger players in the league. They will learn from and replace long serving volunteers whose children "graduate" from Little League and will wind down their service as they complete the "volunteer cycle". We ask every parent to explore volunteer opportunities at the league to determine what may be of interest and the related time commitment of certain volunteer roles that may fit into your schedule. The more volunteers we have, the less time commitment required from everyone. Following is an explanation of the volunteer positions to be filled each year as well as the overall volunteer structure, one which is revisited regularly to adapt to the size of our volunteer base and to the needs of the league. While some roles require special skills, many volunteer positions may be ably filled by parents who have a little extra time and want to contribute to their child's league and overall baseball and life experience. There is something to do for everyone who would like to become involved.

ELL Executive Board


ELL's Executive Board establishes league policy and works with the general volunteer base in overseeing league operations. The eleven member E-Board consists of ten elected volunteers and the immediate past president. Seeking a position on the E-Board is generally the result of an increased commitment that evolves during the "volunteer cycle".

Serving on the E-Board requires the largest time commitment among the volunteer opportunities at the league. This involves attending monthly meetings, overseeing a specific area of league operations that best fits his or her interests and/or qualifications, and attendance and participation at league events. The time commitment for each board member varies depending on his or her role, though heaviest each year in December and January when most of the planning occurs for the upcoming spring season.

Any current member of the ELL community is eligible to seek election to the Executive Board. The annual election for the E-Board is held each May, usually the weekend before Memorial Day. The term goes from August 1 through July 31.

Parent Volunteer Positions


Parent volunteers are the lifeblood of the league who represent the future leadership of the league. There are several volunteer positions that need to be filled each year, each of which varies in time commitment. While some of these positions are currently filled by E-Board members, most of these roles are available for parent volunteers to perform outright, or to collaborate with other volunteers. This helps manage the time commitment for the more involved areas of operations while providing a vehicle for newer volunteers to learn about league operations to position volunteers of younger players to replace the more experienced volunteers who are matriculating from the league. A list of many of those positions is as follows:

  • Volunteer Coordinator
  • Tournament Director
  • Photo Day Coordinator
  • Trophy Coordinator
  • Equipment Manager
  • Junior Umpire Coordinator
  • Division Commissioners
    • Rookie
    • AA
    • AAA
    • Farm
    • Minor
    • Major
    • Juniors
  • Fall Ball Commissioner
  • Snack Stand Volunteer Shift Coordinator
  • Special Events
    • Opening Day
    • Spring Fundraiser
    • HR Derby/Fireworks Night
  • Team Sponsorship Coordinator
  • Asst. Player Agent
  • Background Checks
  •  Games/Practice/Tournament Scheduling
  • Scorekeeping & GameChanger
  • Legal, Compliance and Bylaws
  • Risk Management
  • Merchandise Coordinator
  • Election Coordinator
  • District 40 Representative
  • Safety Officers 

Managers and Coaches


ELL's managers and coaches are crucial to the success of the league. These volunteers are on the front line of the baseball experience for our players and they accept and must live up to the huge responsibility of serving as teacher, mentor, and protector when our children are under their supervision.

Little League International and Encino Little League offer many resources to assist volunteers in learning effective coaching techniques at all levels, particularly at the entry level age groups. No experience is necessary, but in those instances a commitment to learning about baseball and effective coaching techniques is required.

Coaches may have impressive credentials as former players in college or in the professional ranks and may know the game well. But knowing the game well doesn't always translate to an ability to effectively convey that baseball knowledge in an effective manner to young players learning the game. That's why it is important to take advantage of the clinics and other resources provided by LL and ELL.

While the league often recruits volunteers in light of the need to fill as many as 120 assigned manager and coach slots in all divisions combined, these assignments are a privilege in light of the responsibility involved in coaching a team. With that comes guidelines and standards that must be met. Coaches are evaluated each year with no guarantee of being assigned a team in future years by Little League rule.

Parents are encouraged to support these volunteer coaches regardless of any personal opinion that may be formed as to a coach's ability or effectiveness. It must be understood that these coaches volunteered to take on this responsibility and non-coach parents will be held to the code of conduct to which they agreed to abide by at the outset of each season. All are expected to support our volunteers in a positive manner.

Volunteers interested in coaching a team must register as a coach using the ELL registration system. This needs to occur during the registration period for the spring and fall seasons. Managers and coaches are appointed by the league president and approved by the Executive Board.


Encino Little League
P.O. BOX 260772 
Encino, California 91426

Email: [email protected]

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