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Encino Little League

Encino Little League

Filming and Base Camp at Encino Little League

For information on using our facility for base camp of filming on location please contact: [email protected]

Some important FAQs:

We have a large fenced off park area that is ideal for basecamps and filming companies needing a lot of area to spread out because of COVID filming regulations. 

You must pull a permit from The LA Parks Film Office to use our facilities.
Base Camp: We can handle up to 200 cars plus trailers. 
Parking: We can handle up to 230 cars without trailers
Filming on our fields: We have six amazing fields that you can use to film your sporting commercials, movies, or still photography.

We are a non-profit Little League. 100% of the donation goes to the non-profit and helps supports the children in the Encino/Tarzana communities. 


Encino Little League
P.O. BOX 260772 
Encino, California 91426

Email: [email protected]

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